...to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free....

28 February, 2011

floe on, Kennebec!

Every kind of precipitation this morning.

A grey, slushy, "driving-is-a-challenge" kind of day.

We went across the Kennebec to get our hair cut at Janice's house.

The tide was going out on the river.  Taking some ice floes with it.

Spring WILL come, some day.....

Happy March, everyone!


  1. And to you and your thawing selves!

  2. Mike, happy March to you too! Nice shot!

  3. Hoping it warms up for you!
    And thank you for your kind words and for stopping by :)

  4. Frosty beauty...and very nice ice chunks indeed! I would almost think this was black & white if not for the red buildings on the far shore. Lovely image.

  5. Through my memory lens I feel the crunchy snow beneath my feet and feel the air that is less biting and more heavy with moisture and the promise of a warm spring day. This lens can smell the richness of the earth beneath that crusty snow. It the reassuring reminder that winter can't last forever.(in the dead of winter that burning, thin, dry air does not offer you such a deal) Here is the land of sunshine we have had 4 days of rain. I know that Spring is here because I have to harvest the last of the winter beets (beautiful pink and white striped rainbow beets) and plan for the summer garden of tomatoes, sweet peas, basil and beans. Love you, cb
