...to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free....

13 April, 2011

sharing time

Just a quick hello on this pouring-down night.

I thought today that if I went outside every hour and took
a photo of the same patch of grass, 
I could document things getting much greener 
in the space of a grey and rainy day.

(But I didn't want to get wet, so I just thought about it.)

I'd like to recommend a blog to all of you.

I first found Brian Pfeiffer on a Monhegan Island blog.
He is from Vermont, but comes to the island
every year to witness the amazing bird migrations there
in spring and fall.
I love his posts, and I often come away much
more informed for having stopped by.  His photos
are beautiful, and his knowledge of nature is plentiful.

Today's entry is perfect, as it takes the notion of 
"April is the cruelest month..."
and turns it on its head.

Go see for yourself.  You won't be sorry!


  1. that was a great post and a fine blog. i tried to leave him a comment but i'm not sure it "took".

  2. Mike, great post! I love your shot! Really nice.
    Thanks for the link!

  3. What a wonderful link. Thank you for sharing it.
    I love your picture, the rain-soaked window, and had a chuckle about wanting to watch the grass grow. I've been stalking a fern, attempting to open.

  4. This is a FABULOUS image! We've been having LOTS of rain here too - but today has been Sunny :)

    Now I'm off to visit the link.

  5. Just discovered you today and wanted to stop by and say 'hi'. We love Maine and visit each year in September. Hope to have a home there someday.
    I loved your previous post about the Ospreys. I've been following the live cam of the Decorah Eagles from Iowa (my home state) and your story reminded me of them. If you are interested, you can check in and watch the three eaglets at www.ustream.tv/decoraheagles

  6. I have a blooming geranium too that is helping me get through mud season. I like the contrast of yours in front of that rainy day window. Thinking sun! ~Lili

  7. Thanks so much for the connection to Brian's blog. This is like striking gold for me. I too love Monhegan and cherish my bird-watching hikes there in October. The number of birds passing through is amazing.

    All spring joys and it WILL get green,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
